Human Resources Files


The Human Resources File option makes it possible to create an HR file, in maestro* concerning any employee or contact. You can note the certifications and skills of a resource, as well as enter all the evaluations concerning it.





ClosedHuman Resources Files Icons



Used to

Open Certificate Maintenance

Open the Define Certificates main window.

Open Skill Maintenance

Open the Define Skills main window.

Open Evaluation Criteria Maintenance

Open the Define Evaluation Criteria main window.

Open Zone Maintenance

Open the Zone Management main window.

Verification of expiring certifications

Initiate a process to verify the expiry of the certifications registered in the file.

Only icons specific to this window are defined in the table above. 






maestro* > Time Management > Human Resources > Crew Management > Human Resources Files


Select a contact or an employee

  1. To view or edit a contact's human resource folder, use the Contact field located on the left side of the Human Resources File window.
    1. Click on the icon at the end of the field to open the Contact Search window.
  2. To view or edit an employee's human resource record, use the Employee field located on the right side of the Human Resources File window.
    1. Click on the icon at the end of the field to open the employee selection window.


Manage certificates

  1. Display the Certificates tab. This tab displays all the certifications of the selected resource.
    1. In the Code column, click on the icon to open the certification selection window.
      The code and the description of the certificate are displayed in the grid.
    2. If necessary, complete the other columns of the grid.


Click on the Open Certificate Maitenance icon to open the Define Certificates option and add, if necessary, a new certification in the database. This new certification can be selected from the outset in the certification grid, regardless of contact or employee.





Displays the certificate code, as defined in the Define Certificates option.


Displays the certificate description, as defined in the Define Certificates option.


Used to indicate where the certification of the resource was provided.

Click the icon at the end of the field to select a Site contact type.


Displays the name of the selected site.

Project No.

Used to link the certification to a specific project.

Click the icon at the end of the field to select a project number.

Reference No.

Used to indicate the reference number of the certification, if need be.

Expiration Date

Used to indicate the expiration date of the certificate.


Used to enter a note about the certificate. Double-click in the field or use the F7 shortcut to open the input window.

Certification Date

Used to specify the date on which the certification was obtained.


Used to specify the duration of the certification.

Internal Trainer

Used to specify the internal trainer (employee) that provided the certification.

In the Number column, click the icon to open the employees selection window. The employee's name is automatically displayed.

Training Company

Used to specify the training company that provided the certification.

In the Number column, click the icon to open the contact selection window. The company's name is automatically displayed.


Used to indicate the certiication cost.


Used to insert documents about the certification.


Used to deactivate (or reactivate) the selected certification.

  1. Save the changes in the Human Resources File.
Launch a verification of expiring certifications

A utility has been provided in the resource folder to verify that certifications are due.

  1. Click on the Verification of Expiring certifications icon. The window with the same name is displayed.
  2. All expiring certifications (depending on configurations, see below) are displayed in the list.
Setting the deadline
  1. Click on the Configuration icon.
  2. If Verification of Expiring certifications box is checked, the system will perform an automatic check each time the Human Resources File option is opened.
  3. Specify how many late days after the expiration date, the system will display a warning.
  4. Specify how many days in advance, compared to the expiration date, the system will display a warning.
  5. If necessary, indicate whether a certification without an expiry date should be subject to a warning.
  6. Click OK to save the configurations.


Manage skills

  1. Click on the Skills tab. This tab displays all available skills for the selected resource.


Click on the Open Skill Maintenance icon to open the Define Skills option and add, if necessary, a new skill in the database. This new skill can be selected from the start in the skills grid.





Displays the skill's code.


Displays the skill's description.


If the box is checked, used to indicate that the resource has this skill.

  1. Save the changes in the Human Resources File.


Manage evaluations

  1. Click on the Evaluations tab. The assessment summary of the selected employee/contact is displayed at the top of the tab.


Click on the Open Evaluation Criteria Maintenance icon to open the Define Evaluation Criteria option and add, if necessary, new evaluation criteria in the database. These new evaluation criteria can be selected from the evaluation grid from the outset.

  1. Click on the New Evaluation button and fill in the following fields:



Evaluation Date

The current date is automatically entered in this field as soon as an evaluation is added.


Click on the icon to select an evaluator among the employees registered in maestro*.

  1. In the Evaluation Detail sub-tab, the evaluation should be scored based on previously defined criteria.




View the code of the evaluation criterion.


View the description of the evaluation criterion.



For the selected evaluation criterion, check the box corresponding to the employee's or contact's performance, from 1 to 5.

NOTE: 1 is the lowest rating, 5 the highest.


Add a note about the evaluation criterion in question. Double-click in the field or use the F7 shortcut key to open the note input window.

  1. Save the evaluation.
  2. Save the changes in the Human Resources File.


Manage zones

  1. Click on the Regions tab. This tab displays all the regions where the selected contact can work or can move, depending on what the company has chosen.


Click on the Open Zone Maintenance icon to open the Zone Management option and add a new region to the database if necessary. This new region can be selected from the grid of regions.





View the code of a region.


View the description of a region.


If the box is checked, it indicates that the region in question is accessible to the contact and that he can work on it.

  1. Save the changes in the Human Resources File.


See also


Last modification: February 20, 2025